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The Full Story

A Community Title Scheme (CTS) Explained

Welcome to Ridges Peregian Springs, a vibrant community designed as a layered Community Title Scheme (CTS 39713). It's essential to understand the background of our development to grasp the unique structure that governs our estate.


Initially, the development application for the Ridges Estate faced rejection from the Maroochy Shire Council. However, this decision was appealed and eventually granted approval by the Planning and Environment Court. The court's approval came with a condition: Ridges Peregian Springs would be developed as a Community Titles Scheme (CTS), requiring a Body Corporate structure to be in place.


The estate consists of a Principal Body Corporate (PBC) and seven (7) Subsidiary Bodies Corporates (SBCs) that are geographically grouped within the wider estate. As the Ridges Peregian Springs was built in phases, on the completion of each phase, a new SBC was formed for that individual area. These bodies corporate play a crucial role in the management and governance of our community.

The 7 SBCs within Ridges Peregian Springs are:

  1. The Pavilion Peregian

  2. North East Village Ridges

  3. East Village Ridges

  4. South East Village Ridges

  5. South West Village Ridges

  6. The Ridge South

  7. The Ridge


As a resident in the Community Title Scheme, when you purchase a lot of land, you also become a shareowner of the common property areas.  Under The Body Corporate and Community Management (BCCM) Act 1997 Qld, all lot owners within each CTS are automatically included within the scheme and by law no-one can opt out. This entails specific responsibilities, including the upkeep of common property and addressing matters such as public liability insurance.


Common areas within Ridges Peregian Springs encompass private roads, associated street lighting, land outside individual lots, walkways, and access lanes. However, please note that Council areas such as ovals and major thoroughfares are not part of the common property.

We prioritize maintaining and enhancing our community's shared spaces and amenities. By working together and fulfilling our obligations, we can continue to create a harmonious living environment that we can all enjoy.


If you have any further questions or require additional information regarding the Community Title Scheme or your responsibilities as an owner, please don't hesitate to reach out using the contact information.



Governing Common Property and Services


The Principal Body Corporate (PBC) Committee consists of a representative from each of the Subsidiary Bodies Corporates (SBCs), typically the chairperson of each SBC. They bear the responsibility for overseeing estate-wide common property, services, and the formulation of by-laws.


The PBC has the authority to enter into agreements with external organizations if such arrangements benefit the entire estate. Moreover, proposals to acquire additional common property require a vote from the PBC. Services such as landscaping, community liaison, caretaking, and security fall under the purview of the PBC, with contracts in place to ensure their provision. These contracts are fixed-term agreements and include provisions for annual increases.


In 2016, during the dominance of Aveo/FKP in the PBC, the current major contracts were renewed for a 10-year period. It is worth noting that one of the other SBCs challenged the renewal period in the Queensland Civil Administration Tribunal (QCAT) but ultimately lost the appeal. As the existing contracts near their expiration in 2026, a reassessment of their scope and relevance will take place. If the continued provision of the services is deemed necessary, tenders will be issued to procure new contracts.


At Ridges Peregian Springs, transparent governance and effective contract management are prioritized to meet the needs of the community. Regular reviews and evaluations are conducted to align these contracts with the evolving requirements and aspirations of the residents.


Management of Individual Phases


In our community, the term "Body Corporate" encompasses all owners within the scheme, and it is mandatory for everyone to be part of it as per the Body Corporate and Community Management (BCCM) Act 1997 Qld. According to this act, a committee consisting of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 members must be established. The committee is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the SBC and is comprised of owners within the scheme who are elected for a 12-month term during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). In cases where the committee has less than 3 members, the Community Manager assumes the committee's functions on a fully paid basis.


The committee is obligated to conduct business in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the BCCM Act. Some of the fundamental requirements include:

  • Managing the administration and day-to-day operations of the SBC

  • Making decisions on behalf of the SBC

  • Implementing lawful decisions made by the SBC

  • Holding regular meetings

  • Distributing important notices and information to the community

  • Voting on significant community matters

  • Developing specific budgets for the SBC

  • Reviewing financial accounts

  • Ensuring compliance with by-laws within the SBC area


The committee's primary objective is to ensure efficient governance and maintain a harmonious living environment within their particular SBC.  One key benefit of this is that decisions that impact a particular SBC are not being made or influenced by those who do not own in that particular SBC. By fulfilling their responsibilities, they help foster a strong and thriving community for all residents.

Pen, notebook, and smartphone on the table
Meeting room

Body Corporate Managers

Professional Assistance


To ensure effective administration and management of the Subsidiary Bodies Corporates (SBCs), the day-to-day operations are handled by a professional Body Corporate Community Manager. As Committee members may not have the necessary time, expertise, and experience to professionally manage and administer the legal obligations and requirements under The Body Corporate and Community Management (BCCM) Act, the Community Manager takes on these responsibilities on their behalf. Currently, ERNST Body Corporate Management serves as the Community Manager for the Principal Body Corporate (PBC) and two of the seven SBCs. SSKB provides services for the remaining five SBCs.


The Community Manager's duties encompass:

  • Administration of the SBC's bank account

  • Issuing levy notices to lot owners

  • Managing financial accounts

  • Handling payment of accounts

  • Facilitating and documenting Body Corporate meetings, including distributing agendas, nomination forms, and minutes to all lot owners

  • Administering Body Corporate insurances


In addition to these core duties, the Committee may also engage the Community Manager to address other specific issues. These services are charged on a Fee for Service (FFS) basis, with standard fees and hourly rates outlined in the administration agreement.


These additional tasks can include:

  • Issuing late payment notices and letters of demand

  • Issuing by-law breach notices

  • Distributing information notices related to Body Corporate and community matters

  • Managing and overseeing special voting activities

  • Initiating any necessary legal actions


The Community Manager plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation and efficient management of the SBCs. Their expertise and specialized services contribute to maintaining a well-functioning community.


The current agreement can be viewed within the relevant Community Managers’ portal.

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